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Native OpenTelemetry

Using the native OpenTelemetry SDKs? We've got you covered. The SDKs are powered by OpenTelemetry under the hood and report data to our deployed OpenTelemetry collector. You can always use our in-house SDKS, but if you prefer to report raw OTEL data instead, continue reading!

Quick Start

The SDKs are powered by OpenTelemetry under the hood and report data to our deployed OpenTelemetry collector.

Data Attributes

Data we send via the OpenTelemetry specification is as a Trace or a Log with attributes set per the semantic conventions. When we create a Trace, we set three additional SpanAttributes to carry the Highlight context:

  • highlight.project_id - Highlight Project ID
  • highlight.session_id - Session ID provided as part of the X-Highlight-Request header (ie. sessionId/requestId) on the network request
  • highlight.trace_id - Request ID provided as part of the X-Highlight-Request header (ie. sessionId/requestId) on the network request

Additional optional attributes are set by highlight to provide additional context:

  • highlight.source - Set by highlight SDKs to frontend or backend.
  • highlight.type - http.request for frontend network requests reported by highlight, highlight.internal for highlight-internal traces, otherwise unset.
  • highlight.key - The unique object key for this trace, for grouping by distinct objects in highlight.

We may also send one of the following Events on a trace:

  • log - The trace is processed as a log event.

  • exception - An exception is represented in OpenTelemetry as a Trace Event, per the semantic convention for exceptions.

    • exception.type - a string exception type
    • exception.message - a string exception message
    • exception.stacktrace - a string stacktrace
  • metric - The trace is processed as a numeric metric.

    • - a string name
    • metric.value - a number

Reporting from Different Services

To differentiate data from different application services, use the service name semantic conventions with the following attributes:

  • - a string name identifying the service
  • service.version - a string identifying for the current application version; typically a git commit hash.

Reporting an Error

An exception is represented in OpenTelemetry as a Trace Event, per the semantic convention for exceptions.

Many OpenTelemetry SDK implementations offer a span.record_exception(exc) method that automatically populates the semantic convention attributes with the correct values.

Recording a Log

If an SDK supports the logs ingest endpoint (v1/logs), prefer using that. Otherwise, see below for reporting the log as a trace event.

A LogRecord is exported with an associated trace. Specific attributes for the file logging, line number, and more are set based on the logging semantic convention keys.

Reporting a Log as an OTEL Trace

If a language's OpenTelemetry SDK does not support sending logs natively, we choose to send the message data as a Trace Event.

  • Event name - log
    • log.severity event attribute - the log severity level string
    • log.message event attribute - the log message payload.

To associate the highlight context with a log, we use the highlight.project_id, highlight.session_id, and highlight.trace_id attributes described above.

Sending to Multiple Observability Backends

If you are sending data to multiple observability backends, you can use the OpenTelemetry Collector to fan out data to multiple destinations. Configure your application's OpenTelemetry SDK to send data to the collector, and configure the collector to send data to your observability backends.

An example fan-out collector configuration YAML looks like so:

receivers: # listening to the OpenTelemetry SDK from your application otlp: protocols: grpc: endpoint: '' http: endpoint: '' processors: batch: exporters: otlphttp/highlight: endpoint: '' compression: gzip otlphttp/example: endpoint: '' service: pipelines: traces: receivers: [otlp] processors: [batch] exporters: [otlphttp/highlight, otlphttp/example] metrics: receivers: [otlp] processors: [batch] exporters: [otlphttp/highlight, otlphttp/example] logs: receivers: [otlp] processors: [batch] exporters: [otlphttp/highlight, otlphttp/example]