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You can create dashboards and visualizations using a data source. The data source exposes a query editor that lets you create custom queries to aggregate metrics derived from your sessions, errors, logs, and traces.

Getting started

Once you've installed and configured a data source, you're all set to create new visualizations using that data source. On any dashboard, add a new visualization and select the data source you created earlier. choosing a data source

Query editor fields

When you use the data source, it is configurable with these fields:

ResourceThe resource being queried for these metrics: one of traces, logs, sessions, or errors.
FunctionThe method used for aggregating data within a group and bucket, e.g. count, avg, p50. If the function operates on a metric, numeric fields from the linked project's data are shown as search suggestions.
FilterA filtering expression can be used to include only matching resources. Follows the search syntax shown here.
Group byOne or more categories to group the results by. Categorical fields from the linked project's data are shown as search suggestions.
Limit NIf one or more "group by" categories are selected, the result groups are limited to the top N.
Limit by functionIf one or more "group by" categories are selected, this method is used to rank categories before returning the top N.
Bucket byThe dimension used for bucketing data. Supports bucketing by timestamp or no bucketing.

The following are a few example queries to help you get started with your own visualizations. You can also download these import these examples into your Grafana instance as JSON.

Frequent HTTP requests

All network activity captured by the client is stored as a trace with span_name set to the request URL. To visualize how many of each of these HTTP requests are made by your frontend over time, you can filter for these types of traces with a filter span_name=("GET *" OR "POST *") and group on span_name. The limit 10 by count clause shows the top 10 matching results by their total count in the visualization's time range.

Frequent HTTP requests

Slowest HTTP requests

To see the slowest HTTP requests, you can modify the metric and limit clause in the example above to use P95(duration). This will graph the P95 value of duration (in nanoseconds) and show only the top 10 slowest traces in the visualization's time range.

Slowest HTTP requests

Error frequency

If you want to monitor the number of errors over time to see if a new release introduced a new type of error, you can graph the error count and group by service_version.

Errors by version

Error frequency

If you want to monitor the number of errors over time to see if a new release introduced a new type of error, you can graph the error count and group by service_version.

Errors by version